Curiosity Gym

Engaging Kids at Home with Live Online Learning Sessions

The dawn of 2020 brought to us some really bad news- nCoV-2019. A small virus has brought the world to a standstill in a matter of days and no one knows for how long. While everything around is gloomy and scary, sitting at home feeling ‘stuck’ will only add to our worries and anxiety. Added to that, managing your work from home along with an inquisitive child is not a cakewalk!

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is what we believe at Curiosity Gym. We announce Curiosity@Home (C@H), as we want your child to unlock his/her curiosity. We present sessions in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) to spark your child’s interest in STEM subjects, while at home. You never know if a budding scientist, artist, sci-artist or engineer is in the making. If STEAM is in the air, buzzwords like Artificial Intelligence and Coding cannot be far! We also have sessions on AI, and Coding for young minds. Let your child design software, mobile apps and learn the basics of Artificial Intelligence through our sessions on Curiosity@Home.

All these sessions will be delivered live by innovative instructors of Curiosity Gym. The sessions aim to engage students in various themes, involve online tasks that require minimum material and can be easily done without much  parental supervision. Students will understand that learning online can be so much fun while taking care of the environment at the same time. Ask us how? We will not be generating much waste (Near zero Carbon Footprint) while learning online! The sessions  would help students develop skills of experiential learning, communicating remotely with instructors and peers. The sessions, though time-bound, will leave your child with a burning question or a thought, long after they are over.  We will also be announcing online competitions, where your child can win certificates! So, hurry up and register for our sessions. For more details, check our website


#ArtificialIntelligence #STEM #MITAppInventor #Onlinecourses #Workshops #Onlinelearning #Scratch #Innovation #Coding #CuriosityHome

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