Curiosity Gym

Be the catalyst for Innovation

Grades 6-12 | Duration 5 days | 2 hours a day

STEM & Innovation Lab is an experiential learning lab and makerspace set up in schools & colleges that connects traditional curriculum with hands-on experiential projects.

More space to explore and learn

Curiosity Gym has been instrumental in setting up STEM & Innovation Labs at leading schools in Mumbai. We integrate a range of fields in science, technology and innovation in our co-curricular or extra-curricular activities at IB, IGCSE, ICSE and CBSE schools.

STEM Lab Kits and Equipments

The STEM Innovation Lab is a vibrant learning environment and tinkering lab situated within schools, dedicated to experiential learning. It houses a diverse array of advanced tools, kits, and equipment, enabling students to delve into practical experiments and creative projects across STEM disciplines like robotics, electronics, internet of things (IoT) and 3D printing.  

Opening the door to limitless possibilities

Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) to enable interdisciplinary explorations that foster joy, creativity, and critical thinking within learners.

Learn to Think

Develop knowledge and skills from different disciplines and apply it to your projects

Makerspace Facilities

Learn how to use the latest tools and technology like 3D printing, IoT, programming and more

Work Collaboratively

Develop an appreciation for others’ viewpoints and explore new and alternative ideas

Make Anything

Use the space, facilities and expert guidance to design and create innovative solutions


What is the curriculum of a makerspace?

Providing creative time and space for students of all ages to build prototypes, explore questions, and build confidence to tinker, break and make. A typical day at a maker space will include tinkering with a project, understanding challenges to be solved, designing a solution and implementing or optimizing a prototype of the solution. Design thinking, problem-solving and collaborative teamwork with mentors is a key part of this process.

What are the learning outcomes?

Confident and inquisitive learners with the ability to analyse hypotheses are the outcomes of the STEM & Innovation Labs. Due to the nature of hands on DIY learning, booking concepts and fundamentals are understood. Outcomes include understanding interactions of phenomena, troubleshooting skills to solve challenges encountered, the ability to question previous assumptions or hypotheses and analysis of results. Of course, the hubs can lead to creation of very interesting prototypes that can be the first step to different discoveries and inventions as well.

Why should schools and colleges have it?

Using school space to create a hub for exploration and tinkering is imperative. These hubs are creating an environment for design thinking and future innovators. The hubs can function during school/college hours or after school/college hours or during weekends.

Ignite Your Robotics Genius with the MoonRover Competition!

Participate in the MoonRover Competition