Curiosity Gym

Python & Data Visualization

Grades 10-12    | 12 sessions   |   1 hour a day

Quality Content

Acquire 21st century
skills from professionals

Interactive & Fun

Easy learning with
screen sharing, chat
and more

Learn from Experts

Experiential learning
teachers from top
schools in Mumbai Certified

Accredited Educational

Quality Content

Acquire 21st century
skills from professionals

Interactive & Fun

Easy learning with
screen sharing, chat
and more

Learn from Experts

Experiential learning
teachers from top
schools in Mumbai Certified

Accredited Educational


Basics of Python

  • How to install Python and write your first program

  • Learn fundamentals of programming:

    • Strings

    • Operators

    • Flow controllers

    • Collections

    • Functions

    • Modules

    • Packages

    • File handling 

  • Utilize core programming tools such as functions, sorting and loop dictionaries.​

  • Create a program for a Calculator

  • Make a Rock Paper Scissor game

Data Visualization

  • Data cleaning and processing with Panda library

  • Merge, group and manipulate data

  • Principles of data visualization and mathematical pre-requisites

  • Statistical techniques: distribution and sampling of the data 

  • Basic charting with Matplotlib library: scatter-plot, line-plot, bar charts etc.

  • Advanced charting: sub-plots, histograms, box-plots, heat maps

  • Plotting with Panda library: Seaborn visualization


Python is now recognized world wide as a default programming language for data sciences, predictive analysis, AI, machine learning, computer vision – all fields of the future. In this course students will be exposed to hands-on computer programming using Python. They will be introduced to the concept of algorithms & flow, programming basics, basics of interpreted & compiled languages, programming constructs in a textual interactive coding development environment (IDE).
Data visualization is being used in a variety of ways such as in the analysis of number of infected cases and virus growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Analyzing data and visualization gives users a new perspective to solve problems. As organizations all across the globe are becoming increasingly data-driven, the ability to work with data is becoming an essential skill. In the second half of the course, students will be introduced to visualization of datasets – generating plots, understanding their meaning, and using statistical techniques from various libraries in Python such as NumPy, Panda, Seaborn and Matplotlib.


  • Broadband Internet Connection
  • Zoom Application downloaded on computer based on OS (click here to download)
  • Headphones with mic (optional)


  • 12 sessions 
  • 1 hour sessions every week
  • Min quorum needed – 5 students

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