Curiosity Gym

Python & Data Visualization

Grades 8+    |   Duration 10 days   |   1.5 hours a day

Quality Content

Acquire 21st century
skills from professionals

Interactive & Fun

Easy learning with
screen sharing, chat
and more

Learn from Experts

Experiential learning
teachers from top
schools in Mumbai Certified

Accredited Educational


Basics of Python

  • How to install Python and write your first program

  • Learn fundamentals of programming:

    • Strings

    • Operators

    • Flow controllers

    • Collections

    • Functions

    • Modules

    • Packages

    • File handling 

  • Utilize core programming tools such as functions, sorting and loop dictionaries.​

  • Create a program for a Calculator

  • Make a Rock Paper Scissor game

Data Visualization

  • Data cleaning and processing with Panda library

  • Merge, group and manipulate data

  • Principles of data visualization and mathematical pre-requisites

  • Statistical techniques: distribution and sampling of the data 

  • Basic charting with Matplotlib library: scatter-plot, line-plot, bar charts etc.

  • Advanced charting: sub-plots, histograms, box-plots, heat maps

  • Plotting with Panda library: Seaborn visualization

Quality Content

Acquire 21st century
skills from professionals

Interactive & Fun

Easy learning with
screen sharing, chat
and more

Learn from Experts

Experiential learning
teachers from top
schools in Mumbai Certified

Accredited Educational


Python is now recognized world wide as a default programming language for data sciences, predictive analysis, AI, machine learning, computer vision – all fields of the future. In this course students will be exposed to hands-on computer programming using Python. They will be introduced to the concept of algorithms & flow, programming basics, basics of interpreted & compiled languages, programming constructs in a textual interactive coding development environment (IDE).
Data visualization is being used in a variety of ways such as in the analysis of number of infected cases and virus growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Analyzing data and visualization gives users a new perspective to solve problems. As organizations all across the globe are becoming increasingly data-driven, the ability to work with data is becoming an essential skill. In the second half of the course, students will be introduced to visualization of datasets – generating plots, understanding their meaning, and using statistical techniques from various libraries in Python such as NumPy, Panda, Seaborn and Matplotlib.



  • 10 sessions 
  • 1.5 hours sessions every week
  • Min quorum needed – 5 students

Ignite Your Robotics Genius with the MoonRover Competition!

Participate in the MoonRover Competition